Add/Upload Individual Image to Attach > Images Tab
Click Add.
The Attach Image window opens.
Click the Choose File/Browse button.
The image must be a .JPG, .PNG, .GIF, or .WMF file.
Locate and select the image you want.
Click the Open button.
The Attach Image window opens with the name of your file displayed.
If you are uploading an updated version of a file already stored with this record, click the Overwrite Existing File check box.
Click Apply.
The file is uploaded.
Click Close.
The Images page appears with your new image displayed. The image name will be date and time stamped following the image name.
Choose one or more of the following options:
If multiple images have been stored for the item over time, you can click the Active check box to indicate that the current image is active.
If a follow-up image is required, click the Follow-Up check box.
If there are multiple images stored for this record and you want to alter the order of the images, enter numbers in each image's Order field to indicate the proper order.
Click the Save button if you have altered any of the settings for this image and want to save your changes.